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Age: 69 Years

Fullerton, California 92835

Aircraft Type
Total Flight Time: 14000 Hours
Total PIC Time: 9800 Hours
Total SIC Time: 4200 Hours
Total Single Engine Time: 2700 Hours
Total Multi Engine Time: 10400 Hours
Total Turbine Time: 8000 Hours
Total Turbine PIC Time: 4000 Hours
Total Turbine SIC Time: 4000 Hours
Challenger 604
Total Time: 300
Total PIC Time: 90
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: May 30, 2022
Challenger 605
Total Time: 3000
Total PIC Time: 1900
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: May 24, 2022
CHALLENGER 600 / 601
Total Time: 3700
Total PIC Time: 2500
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: December 27, 2010
Boeing B737/BBJ
Total Time: 1330
Total PIC Time: 800
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: April 8, 2007
Sabreliner N265
Total Time: 800
Total PIC Time: 200
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: May 3, 1987
Other Flight Experience
Total Simulated Instrument Time: 720 Hours
Total Actual Instrument Time: 1300 Hours
Total Takeoffs and Landings: 9600
Total Cross Country Time: 12000 Hours
Total Dual Given Time: 1700 Hours
Total Dual Received Time: 350 Hours
Total Tailwheel Time: 500 Hours
Total Multiengine Tailwheel Time: 150 Hours
Total Single Engine Tailwheel Time: 350 Hours
Total Night Cross Country Time: 2000 Hours
Job Title: Pilot
Aircraft Flown: Challenger 604 / 605. Experience includes Fushion Avionics.
Job Description: To provide pilot support to other flight departments for their Challenger 604 and 605 aircraft.
Job Title: Director Of Aviation
Aircraft Flown: Challenger 605
Job Description: Performed the duties as Director of Aviation including maintenance tracking and scheduling.
Job Title: Senior Captain, Safety Manager
Aircraft Flown: CL601,CL605
Job Description: Perform the duties as a Senior Captain. Additionally to fill the responsibilities as the Safety Manager.
Job Title: Senior Captain, Safety Manager, Chief Pilot, Vice President
Aircraft Flown: NA265, CL601, B737, CL605
Job Description: Perform the duties as a Senior International Captain and to fill the responsibilities as the Safety Officer. Additionally perform the duties as the Chief Pilot.
Job Title: Line Pilot
Aircraft Flown: BE99
Job Description: Perform the duties as a SIC line pilot on this scheduled carrier.
Job Title: Captain
Aircraft Flown: CE402
Job Description: To fly tours to and from Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon.
Major: Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
Degree Type: A&P Certificates
Completed: Yes