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Age: 35 Years

Denton, Texas 76207

Aircraft Type
Total Flight Time: 2506 Hours
Total PIC Time: 1026 Hours
Total SIC Time: 1384 Hours
Total Single Engine Time: 1120 Hours
Total Multi Engine Time: 1358 Hours
Total Turbine Time: 1353 Hours
Total Turbine SIC Time: 1320 Hours
Embraer ERJ-135/Legacy/145
Total Time: 545
Total PIC Time: 0
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: June 30, 2020
Falcon 20
Total Time: 535
Total PIC Time: 0
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: March 1, 2019
Short 330
Total Time: 255
Total PIC Time: 0
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: December 6, 2018
Other Flight Experience
Total Simulated Instrument Time: 106 Hours
Total Actual Instrument Time: 226 Hours
Total Takeoffs and Landings: 3096
Total Cross Country Time: 1723 Hours
Total Dual Received Time: 141 Hours
Total Night Cross Country Time: 445 Hours
Job Title: First Officer
Aircraft Flown: Embraer 145
Job Description: I fly the Embraer 145 for this regional airline. I am based in Houston and occasionally fly to both Mexico and Canada.
Job Title: First Officer
Aircraft Flown: Shorts 360, Falcon 20
Job Description: I fly both a Shorts 360 and a Falcon 20. Majority of my time is spent flying the Falcon 20. It is a Part 135 cargo company based in Denton Texas. We often fly to both Mexico and Canada, and do the loading and unloading ourselves. The company currently has 5 aircraft and 12 pilots.
Job Title: Pilot/Operator
Aircraft Flown: Cessna 208B
Job Description: I was SIC flying a Cessna 208B. We flew missions looking for radiation, pollution, and ground surveys. I flew as well as operated the collecting equipment.
Job Title: Pilot
Aircraft Flown: Cessna 172
Job Description: I fly small single engine land aircraft throughout the San Juan Islands, as well as throughout the surrounding areas.
Job Title: Pilot
Aircraft Flown: Cessna 182
Job Description: I flew a Cessna 182 for a skydiving company in Michigan.
Job Title: Helper
Aircraft Flown: none
Job Description: I helped remove and install heaters and air conditioners.
Job Title: Extra
Aircraft Flown: none
Job Description: I was an extra in multiple commercials.
Job Title: Intern
Aircraft Flown: none
Job Description: I was an intern for a marketing firm. I handled accounts, took photographs, and input large amounts of data.
Job Title: Intern
Aircraft Flown: none
Job Description: I was an intern for a language teaching company in Italy. I would edit film documents to the company\'s needs.
Job Title: none
Aircraft Flown: none
Job Description: I grew up and still help with repairs to my family\'s farm.
Major: Business Management
Degree Type: Bachelor Degree
Completed: Yes