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Age: 62 Years

Poltava, Ukraine

Aircraft Type
Total Flight Time: 10800 Hours
Total PIC Time: 7500 Hours
Total SIC Time: 3300 Hours
Total Single Engine Time: 200 Hours
Total Multi Engine Time: 10600 Hours
Total Turbine Time: 10600 Hours
Total Turbine PIC Time: 7500 Hours
Total Turbine SIC Time: 3300 Hours
Falcon 900
Total Time: 400
Total PIC Time: 400
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: September 20, 2022
Hawker 900/900XP
Total Time: 2150
Total PIC Time: 2150
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: February 28, 2021
Falcon 2000 EX EASy
Total Time: 1900
Total PIC Time: 1900
Type Rated: Yes
Date of Last Flight: January 31, 2020
Other Flight Experience
Total Simulated Instrument Time: 300 Hours
Total Actual Instrument Time: 10600 Hours
Total Takeoffs and Landings: 6000
Job Title: Captain Falcon 900EX EASY
Aircraft Flown: Falcon 900EX EASY
Job Description: Leading Captain, LTC, Customer Relationship Coordinator
Job Title: Captain Falcon 2000EX EASY
Aircraft Flown: Falcon 2000EX EASY
Job Description: Leading Captain, LTC, Customer Relationship Coordinator
Job Title: Captain Falcon 2000
Aircraft Flown: Falcon 2000
Job Description: Captain Falcon 2000, charter flights in Europe and Middle East, corporate flights for NESTLE Company in Africa
Job Title: TRI / TRE, LTC Hawker 900XP
Aircraft Flown: HS125
Job Description: Medevac flights, pilots training on aircraft and sim in Dubai
Job Title: Captain Falcon 2000 and 2000LX
Aircraft Flown: Falcon 2000 and 2000LX
Job Description: Leading Captain Falcon 2000 and 2000LX, Customer Relationship Coordinator
Job Title: Flight Operations Manager, TRI / TRE
Aircraft Flown: HS125
Job Description: FOM, TRI /TRE Hawker 700, 800XP, customer and charter flights
Major: Initial Falcon 900EX EASY
Degree Type: PIC Falcon 900EX EASY
Completed: Yes
Major: Initial Falcon 2000EX EASY
Degree Type: PIC Falcon 2000EX EASY
Completed: Yes
Major: Initial Falcon 2000 / 2000EX
Degree Type: PIC Falcon 2000
Completed: Yes
Major: Initial HS125
Degree Type: PIC HS125
Completed: Yes
Major: Pilot - Engineer
Degree Type: Bachelor Degree
Completed: Yes