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starsFlight Instructor

Simulator Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: N/A
  • person Pilot In Command: N/A
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Simulator flight training to pilots
Classroom Instruction in all subjects
Assist in the development of courseware and training material to ensure a well-developed and accurately structured pilot training program
Support the development and certification of training curriculums including simulator, FTD and FMS training devices
Pilot Training Instruction – deliver exceptional initial and recurrent pilot training instruction
Deliver new hire and recurrent pilot training that addresses Crew Resource Management, Standard Operating Procedures, Checklist Philosophy, Roles & Responsibilities, Performance goals, Forms & Records,Briefing/Debriefing methods and others. Ensures that training procedures reflect actual operation and SOP’s
Maintain currency on regulatory issues that impact Flight Operations
Inspect work and correct as necessary to meet the Quality Requirementsexpected by crewmembers, the supervisor, and Company specifications
Support other team members and conduct self in such a manner that he/she is respected by others. Maintain the highest degree of integrity and teamwork within and outside the training department
Perform all operations in a safe manner and make every reasonable effort to prevent others from committing unsafe acts
Make every effort to continuously learn and to train others
Manage time to optimize productivity
Communicate with colleagues and supervisor in a clear, friendly, honest and timely manner
Strive to reduce costs
Contribute and support the Company’s Safety Risk Management, Security, and Quality systems
Perform other work-related duties as assigned ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

FAA ATP with type rating in at least one Company fleet aircraft

Minimum of one year experience with as a pilot is preferred
Thorough knowledge of:
Regulatory issues impacting training requirements
Simulator based flight training program structure
Current instructional design technology
Flight Operations Manual
Must be able to travel
Ability to act as a liaison for the company with governmental officials, FAA, TSA and other agencies
Strong interpersonal, verbal/written, listening, and presentation skills are necessary to effectively teach required subjects and provide constructive feedback.
Must possess the skills to properly judge and evaluate pilot performance and willing to accurately and impartially judge and evaluate
Successful candidate must be able to keep accurate records, complete proper paperwork and submit required documents to the company in a timely mannerProficiency with computer applications such as CAMP, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook
Must be able to function well in a high demand environment while maintaining a positive attitude and image and work well with others. ... Continue Reading

This job has been viewed 18 times.
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