B757-B767 non type-rated Captains based in Panama.
Competitive employment package directly with the company
Long-term contract
Per diems: USD 200 per duty day outside the base
Block hours: 60 hrs per month for fixed salary
Overtime: Paid above 60 hours per month
Bonus for flying on holidays, Sundays or days off
Bonus for being on stand by
30-days annual leave
Regulatory medical exams costs covered
Ship crew and tourist visa costs covered
Passport renewal costs covered
Recurring training*
Yearly wage raises as per policies
Christmas bonus as per policies
Yearly allowance for pilots who are in college
Bonus provided when finishing college
Health, life and license loss insurances ... Continue Reading
Non-type-rated captains:
Total hours: 6000 hrs
Total PIC jet hours: 2000 hrs ... Continue Reading
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