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starsFlight Instructor

Chief Flight Instructor
  • room Location: Frederick, Maryland, United States
  • group Position: Flight Instructor
  • play_for_work Job Type: Flight Instructor
Flight Time Requirements Snapshot
  • access_time Total Flight Time: 1000
  • person Pilot In Command: 2000
  • toll Turbine PIC: N/A
  • airplanemode_activeMulti Engine: N/A
  • queue_music Actual Instrument: N/A
Job Description

Primary Responsibilities and Duties
Training Course Outline (TCO) Updates and FAA Authorization: Update and submit the Training Course Outline (TCO) to the FAA, ensuring compliance and securing program renewal every 24 months or as needed.
Content: Leverages CFI experience and subject matter expertise to continuously refresh and create compelling course content and quizzes that reflect changes to regulations, policies, guidance, and CFI best practices.
Client Communications: Monitor and refine customer email processes, cadence, and messaging to ensure effective and streamlined communication. Proactively implement solutions, including email and web notifications, to keep CFIs informed about policy and regulatory updates.
Program Maintenance: Collaborate with Senior Design Architect to identify and address the Learning Management System (LMS) interface or backend administrative issues, implementing cost-effective solutions to enhance the course experience.
Flight Instruction Knowledge and Proficiency:
Maintain your credibility as a safety expert by staying active as a flight instructor and pursuing advanced certificates and ratings to deepen your aviation knowledge.
Representation: Use your CFI experience and insights to deliver engaging and informative safety presentations at aviation events, meetings, and forums, enhancing reputation as a leader in aviation safety. (1-2 x per year)Creative Contributions:
Provide innovative and thoughtful feedback on videos, articles, reports, and other materials during development.
Refresh and promote Focused Flight Review program, encouraging its adoption within the general aviation training community. ... Continue Reading

Minimum Requirements

Experience and Education Requirements:
Active FAA Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) who meets the requirements of 14 CFR 141.35(d), Chief Instructor qualifications: At least 2,000 hours PIC and flight training experience consisting of at least 3 years and a total of 1,000 or 1,500 flight hours.
Holds a bachelor's degree in an aviation-related field.
Demonstrated proficiency in flight instruction and developing lesson plans and flight training curriculum.
Excels in multitasking and meeting deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Strong work ethic, commitment, and initiative; some after-hours work may be required.
Substantial project and time management skills
Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills.
Experienced in public speaking and teamwork, open to constructive feedback.
Self-motivated with a commitment to ongoing professional growth.
Willingness to travel for and representation.
Proficient in Microsoft Office suite. ... Continue Reading

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